2009年以来,上海国际航运中心建设取得了一系列成果,在枢纽港地位得到巩固的同时,航运服务领域 取得了长足发展。面对国内外新的发展形势和国家战略布局,“十三五”期间上海将从“加强物流基础服务,巩 固上海港枢纽地位”、“强化航运服务辐射能力,形成现代航运服务中心”、“完善航运发展环境,提升航运资源配 置能力”三个层次,对接国家战略、深化国际航运中心建设。
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Since 2009, construction of Shanghai into an international shipping center has gained a series of achievements. In addition to secure the position as a cargo hub, shipping service sector has made great progress. Facing domestic and overseas new developing trend and national development strategy, Shanghai will, in the 13th five-year period, advance logistics ser? vice, cement its port position, strength radiating effect of shipping service sector to shape a modern shipping service center and improve shipping development environment to promote allocation capability of shipping resources in a bid to link nation? al strategy and further the construction of Shanghai into an international shipping center.